Sunday, April 22, 2007

Students fast to fight famine

Cape Breton Post
Friday, April 13, 2007
Page: A3
Section: Cape Breton
Byline: Matthew Daye
Source: Cape Breton Post

Around the world, 852 million people suffer from malnutrition and this weekend more than 60 students in Cape Breton will experience it for themselves in an attempt to help the less fortunate.

George D. Lewis School in Louisbourg has 35 to 40 students, the Grace Fellowship Church in Sydney Mines has 30 students, and the Faith Baptist Church in Sydney will have 15 students, all participating in a 30-hour famine, starting Friday to raise money for hunger charities.

Natasha Burke, the junior high English teacher at George D. Lewis, said even though they will be hungry, the student's health will be well managed.

"There will be no food for 30 hours so they can see for themselves what it's like to go hungry," she said. "They will be required every hour to have something to drink, so we'll make sure they're kept hydrated."

Shayne Burke, 14, one of Burke's students, said they're there to help the starving people where they can.

"It's heartbreaking. Knowing that we have all this and they have to live on so little food."

Events will be held to keep the students minds off their stomachs.

Doug Beane, the activity co-ordinator with the Grace Fellowship Church, was surprised at the reaction.

"A lot more kids wanted to take part, but we're not really set up as far as chaperones," said Beane, adding he hopes it will be held on a larger scale in the future.

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